CSS English Essay Tips

Tips for Writing an Essay. Three Keys for Acing CSS Essay By Kips Academy

Writing an English essay is not as easy as you may think. In fact, it can be quite challenging for most students. You have to think about your topic and how to present it in a way that will make your reader interested in what you have to say. However, if you follow these simple tips, your essay will be better than ever!

1. Correct Interpretation of the topic:

This is the first criteria against which the examiner judges a candidate’s grasping power as far as the essay topics are concerned. Correct interpretation of the topic entails accurately decoding what the topic is about. The example below is sufficient to prove the importance of correctly interpreting the topic. Careful analysis of essay marks shows that students who do not interpret the topic correctly score 20 or less in the essay exam.


Feminism is not really a third world issue (CSS 2017): There are two common interpretations of this topic. The first one revolves around the fact that feminism is not only an issue for the third world but a global issue. The second interpretation is that feminism is not an issue for the third world to worry about since the third world countries are already facing a myriad of issues.

Essay Hack 1: Focus on the key words or phrases in the Essay topic! This means that the first interpretation is correct because the second interpretation would mean that the essay would ignore the issue of feminism- which by the way was the key word in this essay topic- and focus on other issues of the third world.

2. Relevance:

Following the correct interpretation of the topic, it is imperative to stay relevant. This implies making sure that the major focus of your essay is what the examiner asks of you in the essay topic.


War on Terror has led to the growing abuse of human rights (CSS 2015): This topic simply asks you to primarily focus on how different rights-for instance the right to life, right to privacy, right to fair trial and the right to protection against torture to mention only a few- are being abused in the ongoing war on terror. Even though the examiner would want the students to give a brief overview of human rights and the war on terror but the major focus has to be on how different rights are being blatantly violated in the ongoing war on terror.

Essay Hack 2: Do not unnecessarily try to write down around 3000 words in your essay. It is completely fine to write around 1800 to 2000 words and ace the essay portion. Desperately trying to write around 3000 words is a trap that students fall in and this results in the students going irrelevant. So, remember! Stay focused and stay relevant.

3. Coherence:

This is extremely important with regards to the CSS essay. Writing a coherent essay simply entails the use of connecting words connecting phrases or connecting sentences to ensure that there is no abrupt transition from one idea to another idea; from one paragraph to another paragraph; or from one section of the essay to another section. Essay Hack 3: Make use of connecting words, phrases and section openers to produce a coherent piece. This would help a candidate fetch more marks.

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