How to pass CSS PMS exam in first attempt

Is CSS really a Beast in the Town? Answer is “NO”.

This article is about Guidelines for CSS and tips and tricks to pass css exam in first attempt


1. First of all, CSS is nothing but a combination of three words: Commitment+Right Direction or Proper Guidance+Hard Work. Among them, hard work leads the list. Without right direction, hard work bears less.

CSS English Essay and precis

2. CSS aspirant must keep in mind that CSS means English essay and Precie. No doubt, other subjects also play a significant role in your final allocation, and must be given proper attention and time. However, no one will care for you if you get less than 40 marks in essay, and we observe that maximum number of the students could not get it. The statistics and figures of failed students in English essay will justify my stance. Every year, it is the essay paper that tarnishes the dream of thousands of aspirants.

Tips for CSS PMS Essay

3. Therefore, for English essay, it is very much important and crucial to work on English. One must know the art of writing simple English: a combination of short sentences and simple vocabulary. Verbosity irritates the reader. Mis(use) of difficult words can distort the whole idea in a sentence. So, all the aspirants are suggested to practice more, more, more and more. The best way is to read, write, and let someone check it for you. Aspirants are advised to learn basic English themselves, and for essay structure they can join a well-reputed academy, or a senior-fellow can also help them.

4. Aspirants are requested not to rely on ready-made materials. Most of them are either irrelevant or redundant. Ready-made books and notes restrict the analytical skills of an individual. Data and figures are either wrong or outdated. Therefore, they must make their own notes from various sources. Recommended books, online and Internet cites, PDF papers, Dawn, Express Tribune, Foreign affairs and foreign policy are some of the important sources for notes.

Tips and strategy for preparation of CSS Exam

5. As for as the study pattern is concerned, i, personally, would suggest that the aspirants should have two sessions. In the morning, they should work on English. Starting from newspaper, they must collect important vocab, phrases and idioms, read grammer rules, and write on daily basis, even if they have to write just 5 sentences. In the second session, they should cover one of the subjects either from the optionals or compulsory.

6. Aspirants should keep in mind that every journey starts with a single step. Every champion was once a beginner. Every successful man faces a lot of failures. So, they need to stay humble, confident, positive, optimistic and down-to-earth. Pessimism kills a goal.


As the end, i would say that, although CSS is tough; however, it is very much possible. Every year, hundred of students qualify it. Commitment, Right direction and Hard work make the difference.

Tayyab Wazir
CSS-2020 Police Services of Pakistan (PSP)

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