Pakistan: The Search For Stability By Maleeha Lodhi 2024 PDF

Pakistan: The Search For Stability By Maleeha Lodhi 2024 PDF

Pakistan: The Search For Stability By Maleeha Lodhi PDF Free Download

Download free new latest book by Maleeha Lodhi from oxford publisher titled as, Pakistan: The Search For Stability By Maleeha Lodhi

This book is helpful for CSS PMS aspirants to get analytical and conceptual writing in their competitive exam. this book will help aspirants to clear CSS Pakistan affair and CSS English essay as it have numerous international and national topics. Following are some major topics covered in this book.


The Relevance of History

Part One: Politics

Pakistan: The Search For Stability By Maleeha Lodhi

  1. Struggle for the Constitution
  1. Faultlines and Governance Failures
  1. Parliamentary Politics Amid Turbulence
  1. The Military’s Role in Hybrid Democracy

Part Two: The Economy

  1. Rising from the Ashes
  2. Debt and Bailouts
  1. Catch-23: Search for a New Development Paradigm
  2. Enhancing Economic Competitiveness

Part Three: Society

  1. Pakistan’s Moment of Youth
  2. Rescuing Education
  3. Threat of Religious Extremism
  4. Women’s Rights: Dynamics of Agency
  5. Environmental Crisis
  6. The Population Challenge

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