JWT Magazine August 2024 PDF Free

JWT Magazine August 2024 PDF Free: A Story Of Hope & Confidence

JWT Magazine August 2024 PDF Free: A Story Of Hope & Confidence

Jahangir World Times Publication new latest 2024 August magazine is now available to download free at our website JWT Magazine August 2024 PDF.
This Magazine have various important Topics that will cover recent Major Issues nationally and international level.

Following are the contents of magazine that will cover major recent developments.


  • Pakistanis in House of Commons
  • Learning Poverty
  • Europe Back in Space
  • US Interference in Pakistan


Lessons from Four Elections


European Security Order

Russia-North Korea Defence Deal

Shanghai Cooperation Organisation

Fighting Online Disinformation

War on Palestine

32 Biden Steps Aside

Pakistan-Iran Relations


Five-Year Plans in Pakistan

Pakistan Needs Biofuels

4Energy, Trade and Investment

Pakistan’s Political Quagmire

54 | Pakistan’s Development Challenges

Al & Pakistani’s Justice System

Gender-Based Violence

JWT Magazine August 2024 PDF Free:

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